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发布日期:2021-10-27  10:31     信息来源: 市外办              浏览次数:

“读红色经典 忆百年峥嵘”英语诵读活动是我办青工委成立后,翻译服务队开展的首个活动,旨在通过重读红色经典著作,重温中国革命峥嵘岁月的历史画卷,铭记无数先烈用鲜血和生命铸就的辉煌。同时,通过重读这些英文经典,汲取语言文化营养,提升英语素质水平,用生动形象的红色故事,向世界展示全面、真实、立体的中国。

“读红色经典 忆百年峥嵘”英语诵读活动贯穿全年。3至6月,翻译服务队全体队员自选书目,完成一本红色经典著作(英语原版)的诵读;7至9月,结合所读书目,全体队员完成一篇英语读书心得体会;10月:成果展示:每位队员做一个英语读书分享。

一段寻根红色文化的阅读之旅,一场有思考的灵魂的盛大聚会,“读红色经典 忆百年峥嵘”英语读书分享会来啦!

1、梁家意分享书目《中国之命运》Chinese Destinies

We read these classics today, one hundred years after the founding of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921 to review and refresh our collective memory of those important chapters of modern Chinese history — the extraordinary heroism, the tremendous sacrifices, the tortuous, trouble-laden paths toward victories in our national existential struggle — and to understand, appreciate, and draw wisdoms from where we have been as we go from here into the future.


2、陈诗雨分享书目《红星照耀中国》Red  Star  Over  China

The“Red Star Story”is a long story,an epic covering 100 years. Yet it is also an episode in a narrative of years, from remote legendary times, though ups and downs, to an anticipated future.In the New Era,as China is striding along its historic journey to its rejuvenation, building a community of a shared future for mankind, our “Red Star Story” is sure to continue to be written, turning a new page about China as well as about the world. The story is finished,but the legend is ongoing.


3、林峰分享书目《人类的五分之一》One—Fifth  of  Mandkind

China has been, is, and will be a vital factor in mankind’s history. In the past she was a source of civilization to the lands around her. When Europe discovered her, she became a treasure box for all the imperialists. Her future lies in the hands of her own people, who for the first time in four thousand years of history grow conscious of themselves as a closely knit nation. No lover of human freedom dare remian indifferent to that future; the freeing of this one-fifth of humankind is the decisive event of our century.


4、王文杰分享书目《明日中国》Tomorrow’s  China

"Tomorrow's China" describes the experience of American Progressive journalist Anna Louis Strong's visit to China's liberated areas from 1946 to 1947, describes the picture of the liberated areas overcoming difficulties and prosperity and development under the background of surging civil war and international mediation, and shows the military and governance skills of he. Through this book, Anna tries to show the international community that the leadership of the Communist Party is the aspiration of the people.

《明日的中国》描述了美国进步记者兼作家安娜·路易斯·斯特朗(Anna Louis strong)1946年至1947年访问中国解放区的经历,向国际社会描绘了解放区在内战和国际调解风起云涌的背景下克服困难、繁荣发展的景象,展示了毛泽东领导的共产党领导人的军事和执政技能,以及革命乐观主义精神,与国民党的腐朽领导和反对统治形成鲜明对比。通过这本书,安娜试图向国际社会表明,共产党的领导是人民的愿望,并有效地驳斥了国际敌对势力对中国共产党的诽谤。

5、李盛涵分享书目《人生大道:朱德传》The Great  Road:The Life and Times of  Chu Teh

Smedley depicts the revolutionary career of Chu Teh from birth to the age of 60 with sincere feelings and exquisite ink through interviews and personal experiences.It is a true record of comrade Chu Teh's legendary life from an ordinary peasant to a revolutionary general, and also vividly shows a magnificent picture scroll of Chinese revolutionary history. Unlike other biographers, Smedley came to China in 1929 to participate in the Chinese revolution, not just to witness it, but to become part of its epic history.

